Write a great CV

How to write a great CV: The Ultimate Guide

Looking for a job? Having a great CV can increase your chances of getting hired.

CV is the first thing that employers look into and making a perfect CV can help you grab the recruiter’s attention.

Read our article to learn how to write a great CV and stand out in the competition of getting Job.

What is a CV?

CV(curriculum vitae), is a document that job applicants use to showcase their skills, experience, and achievements. It helps the reader understand what you have achieved and how much you fit for the job.

Whether you are a fresher or someone with more than 10years of professional experience, you will still need a document that will let others know about your past achievements and experiences.

When do you need a CV?

When applying for a job as a fresher you are either required to fill the online application form or to upload your CV.

If you have years of experience and applying for another company, then you need to update your CV.

Getting promoted to a higher position in your company, a good CV will leave a good impression on the company.

Working as a freelancer, then your CV can help your clients know about your work experience. This will make it much easier to pitch for the new work.

Starting your own business as an entrepreneur, your CV will help your investors understand your achievements and build trust.

How to write a CV?

While writing your CV, you should include your skills, past achievents and experiences. Hoever, ther are some important sections that employer will look for in your CV.

Here are some must to include sections for your CV:

Basic details

At the top of your CV, you should include your name, professional title, and contact details. According to the latest trend, it is better to include your email, LinkedIn url, and skype id along with your mobile number. The Professional title should be according to the job title you applying for. You should always keep a separate CV for the different job profiles.

Personal Profile

You should include an “About Me” section with small information about your qualities, skills, and career objective.
It should consist of the specific qualities that make you fit for the role you are applying for. Always keep your Personal Statement short, and limited to few sentences. It should give a clear idea about. Write about your career goals and what you can offer to the company.

Work Experience

Your past work experience is one of the most important things that an employer looks into.

List all your past work experiences including internships in reverse chronological order.

While listing your past work experiences, mention your company name, Job Title, Responsibilities, and the date range for which you worked on that role.

It is better to keep your CV clean while mentioning details. If you are someone with more than 10-15 years of experience or more than 5 to 6 roles, then try to mention only the important roles and keep it to the latest 3-4 job roles.

Projects & Achievements

If you are fresher and applying for the job, then you should tailor this section with the best projects you have done related to the job role you are applying for.
For example, a Software developer can mention projects related to websites and apps developed by him.

Education and qualifications

List your education & qualification in reverse chronological order starting from the most recent education first like University degree.

Include the name of each school or university, degree, and the years that you attended. You can also include your grades if needed.

Key Skills

It is always better to put your skills in your CV to stand out from the crowd. You can mention the skills which you think better describe you.
For example, Quick learner, Problem Solving, Time Management, etc.

Hobbies & Interest

If you have some space left in your CV then you can add up this section in your CV. Include your hobbies and interest, if possible include something related to the job role you are applying for.
If you are applying for the position of Software developer, then you can add App development to your hobbies. While mentioning hobbies, it should be something you love to do.

How long your CV should be?

It is better to keep your CV short and to the point. The CV should not be longer than two to three pages. There are no such strict rules about the length of a CV, but keeping it short helps employers easy to go quickly through it.

If you are fresher applying for a job then your CV should not be more than one page. If someone with 15-20 years of experience in applying for a job, then CV can go up to 2 pages depending on your achievements and work experience.

Always focus on the most relevant experience and achievements according to the job role you are applying for. If you make your CV long, then it can put become boring for employers to read and get you rejected.

Free CV template

CV sample

Download my free CV template using the link given below and update it according to your needs.

Get CV template


Always remember a better CV makes a good impression on the employer. It is good to have a CV that takes less than 40 seconds to read, this way it becomes easy for employers to go through and learn about you. I hope this guide will help you understand how to write a great CV.

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